Stephanie Ralston Khurana and Mike Hranicka

The Blue Angels flight team practiced their routines during the afternoon, preparing for the Naval Academy graduation at the end of the week; excitement again the mood on the streets of Annapolis. The soon-to-be graduates of St. Mary's High school, decked out in polo shirts, khaki's and sun dresses appropriate for the warm summer evening, enjoyed hors d'oeuvres on the patio of the Annapolis Marriott Hotel overlooking the Severn River. An abundance of sailboats moored close by or were tied to the piers along the dock at the base of Main Street. The setting was near-perfect for the annual awards ceremony in honor of the graduating class of St. Mary's. Stephanie Ralston Khurana, Jeff's sister and Rita Ralston, Jeff's mother, attended the ceremony, as they had for the past ten years, to again present the Jeffrey D. Ralston Memorial Scholarship. This year their hearts were heavy with thoughts of Jeff's father Trent who had passed away six months earlier. He and his input into this year's scholarship presentation was truly missed.

The family reviewed and evaluated the scholarship applications submitted by many of this year's senior class. Impressive examples of integrity, character, service and scholarship were found, characteristics so valued in the choice of the recipient of this scholarship. Stephanie presented the Jeffrey D. Ralston Memorial Scholarship award this year to Mike Hranicka, whose application was beyond exemplary in the display of these characteristics. As Stephanie said in her presentation, "Mike is one of those very rare human beings who, like Jeff and like my dad, Trent, get true intrinsic motivation by doing the right thing, and as a consequence, make a big difference in others' everyday lives. Mike finds it rewarding to seek out where an extra hand may be needed and then do good, honest, complete work, whether for a neighbor with yard work, to recruit prospective students to St. Mary's, or to lend a hand to a grandparent. While most of us lend a helping hand, mostly when it is not inconvenient, Mike does it as a way of life."

Mike has maintained an impressive GPA, held first honors and is a member of the National Honor Society. His work experience and involvement with community service projects is commendable. Active in a variety of clubs and school projects, Mike is always a willing contributor. He played on St. Mary's Lacrosse team and was an outstanding team manager during his junior and senior years, impressing the lacrosse staff by his sense of responsibility and maturity. As mentioned in a recommendation provided by one of his coaches, Mike was trusted with the care of equipment, storage units, building access and team information without reserve. He was trusted unconditionally. He is a strong, enthusiastic leader who leads by example, works tirelessly, is motivated not by recognition, but by the opportunity to be of service to others. He is the "unsung hero" with a strong work ethic who works quietly in the background, assuring the success of a project by his ever-present helping hand and selfless generosity.

The resume of Mike Hranicka is impressive, however meeting this young man in person confirmed he is a young man with the charisma, determination and motivation to make a difference in this world. He lifted our spirits by his enthusiasm and warmed our hearts with his personable caring hug. He will make a difference in the lives of those around him, and we feel honored to help him on his path with the $1000 scholarship award to put towards his education.

As we walked the streets of Annapolis after the ceremony, the moon overhead casting a warm glow on the many tourists strolling lazily, enjoying the warm summer breeze, we could only wonder at how our mood had changed during the evening. The graduating students at St. Mary's, and this year's scholarship winner, Mike Hranicka, had inspired us with a feeling of gratitude for the present and lifted our spirits with optimism for the future.

Matt, Karen, and Mike Hranicka with Rita Ralston